Homemaker Q&A: Grocery budget, breastfeeding and fertility, my best marriage advice, and more! (Episode 266)

This week’s Q&A takes us through my thoughts on our upcoming move, how breastfeeding impacts my fertility, staples in a from-scratch kitchen, life with no dishwasher, encouraging kids to play independently, and more!  Join me for another coffee chat Q&A episode!

In this episode, we cover:

  • A brief life update– we are leaving our farmhouse!
  • Why I’m comfortable leaving bone broth on my stove overnight
  • What matters to me when sourcing dairy products
  • Do I worry about my babies’ safety when out in nature?
  • How breastfeeding impacts my fertility
  • What my breastfeeding and weaning journey has been like through eight babies
  • If you want to start cooking from scratch, do this!
  • How to make milk kefir a staple in your kitchen even if you don’t have a dairy cow
  • Do I use organ meats in my kitchen?
  • Tips for healthy, organic eating on a very tight grocery budget
  • My strategy for always staying on top of dishes with a large family
  • Why I recommend taking a slow and steady approach to decorating your home
  • How do I navigate being productive in my home while encouraging my kids to spend time outdoors?
  • My approach to prenatal appointments when I have other young children to care for
  • My best marriage advice after 17 years

Resources Mentioned

Check out this video to hear more details about our upcoming move

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Explore all of my course offerings including sourdough, sewing, blogging, and YouTube


Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast?  A guest you’d like me to interview?  Submit your questions and ideas here: bit.ly/SFLquestions.

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