Answering your questions: things I don’t stress about, advice for young homemakers, and more! (Episode 238)

In this episode, I am sitting down with a cup of coffee to chat through some more of the questions you all submitted!  I share my perspective on quite a few motherhood topics – potty training, meltdowns, breastfeeding, sleep schedules – that I have found are not worth stressing over.  I hope that by sharing my story, I can encourage you to let go of some of the stress in motherhood and embrace the season you are in.  I’m also discussing business, blogging, homemaking, and a variety of other topics you asked about.  Join me for another coffee chat Q&A!

  • Sharing my miscarriage story
  • My no drama approach to potty training
  • How I get dinner on the table when kids are melting down
  • What I have done to grow my public speaking skills
  • How we landed on our current chicken tractor setup
  • My thoughts on losing the baby weight
  • Advice for a mom who wants more kids but her husband isn’t on board
  • Breastfeeding advice for a first-time mom
  • How I have slowly grown my business and hired help along the way
  • My thoughts on what it takes to be successful in the blogging world
  • My best advice for single women


Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Pinterest

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast?  A guest you’d like me to interview?  Submit your questions and ideas here:

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